Just some guy, from somewhere in this crazy world, trying to make his way.

    And, of course, with all good stories... it begins with a girl.

    Once upon a time, I happened into a small town, into a small restaurant, into a small booth, with an even more tiny bar. This little town held not much in the way of want or adventure. It was one of those where stopping in and soon leaving was a quick and easy decision.

    And then a bartender…

    Long black hair, beautiful Apache eyes, and a moment where the world stopped. My quick and easy decision to leave just found a quick and easy reason to find a long reason to stay. The conversation began, laughs were had and a friendship was born that lives and loves until this day.

    Being a quiet and shy, gentle soul, it was shared with me, many months later in confidence, that she has Cold Sores. Never wanting to speak of this and never wanting anyone to see her during, I vowed then and there with a promise to find a way to help her, naturally.

    So began this incredible journey. Lives continued to be lived. Work, study, sleep. Hour upon hour of research, I believed I was on the apotheosis of my efforts.

    I reached out and asked friends if they would experiment, and let me know the good, bad, and ugly so I can learn and make it better.

    Friends, friends of friends, and then persons I had never known, began reporting back on cold sores, cuts, burns, eczema, chapped lips, bee stings and so much more. I was receiving such amazing feedback, that it was time to make the call.

    “Remember the promise I made you many a moon ago, you know, for the zombie lips?” There was laughter out loud, and a moment of silence.

    “I did it…”

    And thus a company was born.

    Founded on caring, on love, on friendship, and hope, if even in the most slight of ways.

      The Athlete Geek

      Hi everybody, I’m Brian Armer. Thank you for being here.

      I’ve been an athlete geek the majority of my life. Have had numerous broken bones, plenty of wounds, and some pretty crazy stories along the way!

      My best buddy is my dog. 100% of the time. If he can’t go, I can’t go. Best buddies are best buddies, always. Let'ss goooo!

      A little tidbit that I rarely talk about, but if interested, I have fought and survived cancer. Had it not been for, to this day, a few of my life’s passions, Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and mixed martial arts, I would not be here, literally. I've been training and fighting from 15 years old. At 23 on my birthday, after a heavy week at college, I fought a Jiu-Jitsu competition and was forced to go to the hospital after blacking out. They found non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma cancer around my lungs, heart, esophagus, and into my jaw. The doctors gave me one month to live, I said "NA, we fight!" and began the 10-year adventure.

      While fighting for remission, Juice - My Beautiful Secret, and Glass Cut Eternity are another piece of life I don’t often speak of. I had the honor of fronting a few amazing bands. It, music, was what kept me with hope and purpose, alive with passion. Between singing, and the minimal martial arts I could do physically, I found theses as breathing, life giving. The boys I was playing with from Sexart, Karma Hit List, Videodrone, Cradle of Thorns, Adema, Juice, and My Beautiful secret are absolutely amazing musicians, and it was such an honor. Love you boys!

      We had an amazing run, life happens, and you keep on truckin!

      I ran facilities for years at Chevron North American Exploration and Production, gaining incredibly valuable experience, skill, and responsibility. This is where I met my second-best friend.

      I left Chevron as my soon-to-be wife who was fighting breast cancer and I were both on the same lease which created a potential issue in contract, and I simply refused to complicate her, what I thought was healing. She was an amazing chemical engineer who lost her life to breast cancer, on the day we were to be married. Yeahh...deep breath, exhale...

      And, that begins the story of running a microbiologic microturbine reactor site. Where I created energy from microbiology to power a microturbine powered process of cleaning non-potable water into potable water, to place back into human consumption, safely. Thank you, Chevron, for all the amazing training and experience in critical thinking.

      The mad scientist that I am, with a brain that is always firing like Tesla's coil, had this lightning storm of a passion burning for what was to become Zombie Sport Company. It's alive! It'sss alivee!

        Fueled By Passion. Driven By Purpose.

        So I engineered our all-natural, chemical, and synthetic-free wound care system. Let's put our feet to the fire baby!

        Through all of my life’s experiences, knowing what a simple scratch can lead to, I had to build a better wound care. I’ve seen the consequences of, “ahh it’s nothing, it's just a scratch." To almost death from a staph infection. I've witnessed almost losing a limb from infection and necrosis. I've seen more than I care to admit.

        And so, I went to work, researching, testing, and experimenting for years on different herbal and plant extracts, essential oils, and other natural ingredients until I finally formulated the correct combination of ingredients that not only provided the healing and protection I was looking for, but also the fierce and destructive virus and bacteria fighting necessary, all with out chemicals and without synthetics.

        It took many years of trial and error, of literally almost napalming my face off several times, but we now and finally have, in my opinion, what will change the world of wound care, of protection, and healing, Zombie Sport Company.

        Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking the time to read this it truly means the world.

        PS. Just a quick thought. Ford, Apple, and Instagram all had to start somewhere. So never let anyone or anything keep you from your dreams, no matter how difficult the path might seem!

        OK, awesome! Let’s get out there and smash some skulls!

        The below is Abby. No matter what you are going through, Fight! Fight! Fight! Tomorrow is a great place.