*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
** Testimonials may not be representative of typical results.
Any and all references to “healing” or “ALL-NATURAL healing” and its effects and/or capabilities on or for healing or anything else are expressly intended for “normal” health circumstances and situations.
If you are pregnant or nursing, or taking blood thinner medication, or have any ailment, consult a physician before using any zombie sport co llc product.
Zombie Sport Co will not be held liable for any use and or misuse of this product. Always consult your doctor. You should not use Zombie Sport Co if you are allergic to it. Ask your doctor before using Zombie Sport Co if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use Zombie Sport Co on a child younger than 12 years old without medical advice.
Informed Consent – Your Choice
We believe that taking an “all-natural” healing agent should be by informed consent and a decision based on personal research and the understanding of the obvious role that “all-natural” play in positively supporting your health and well-being. Additionally, we believe that “ALL-natural”, should only be used with the advice and support of a qualified natural health professional or medical doctor. Any information received from zombie sport co LLC. Via Telephone, Face-Time, face-to-face, Email, or through our Website should not be construed as the practice of medicine or medical advice.
By purchasing or sampling any product from zombie sport co in any fashion, you agree that you take full responsibility for the purchase and or sample and cannot and will not for any reason sue zombiesportco.com and zombie sport co as you own the responsibility for testing and the product placement on yourself, your family and your animals. You agree that you will take a minute amount and a minute area on any application for all applications to test the product for verification that it is safe on all applicants and all applications. if you do not agree to take full responsibility do not purchase and do not sample.
Zombie Sport Co LLC does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Our Web site contains links to other Web sites that are provided for the convenience of our customers and are for reference only. We are not responsible for the content or products of any linked site or any link contained within a linked site. zombiesportco LLC does not adopt any medical claims made in 3rd party references.